Terms of Service

In the Association we have made available to the community the possibility of making online donations through the donations website.

Before using ObecLab’s donation website, make sure you have read these terms and conditions of use. Continue with your intention to use our services only if you understand and fully agree with them. The terms and conditions of use are part of any online donation.

By using the Obec Lab Association owned donation website by each user/donor, the user expressly declares acceptance of the following conditions:


The Donation Form is a secure site because it has the security protocol (https://) as it ends in s. The certificate is intended to ensure the identity of a remote computer by encripting any data exchanged and is issued by Let’s Encrypt, https://letsencrypt.org/ entity The Linux Foundation.

What is ObecLab?

ObecLab is an association of common utility and non-profit, eminently humanitarian and artistic character that seeks to investigate, develop, manage and implement cultural and educational activities.

The projects developed seek to benefit mainly children and young people, inhabitants of vulnerable populations and violated by social, political and economic conflicts in the Colombian territory, encouraging the development and dissemination of art and culture as vehicles of social change.

About Donations

Adding any of the Donation plans to the cart and using the checkout form is understood by law as the Donor’s offer of donation.

By donating to ObecLab Association by adding any of the donation plans and filling out the checkout form, the Donor understands the purpose of the use of the donated money. He also understands and accepts that he will receive a donation certificate issued by the ObecLab Association, in accordance with the legislation in place in Colombia, and that the donated money may be used by any of the current campaigns to cover the costs of research, development, management and implementation of activities of the Association.

Donor duties:

The donor guarantees the ObecLab Association:

  • That it is legally capable of carrying out the legal act in question.
  • That is the owner of the means of payment with which the donation is made.
  • That the money to donate comes from licit and not illicit sources.
  • The donor authorizes the ObecLab Association to charge to his card the corresponding value agreed in the Donation Form.

Who can you contact?

If you have doubts, require more information or have complaints, you can contact the Creative and Pedagogical Direction of the ObecLab Association by telephone +34 665 024 775 or by e-mail [email protected].

The terms and conditions contained in this page, will begin to apply from the date on which you subscribe, fill out the checkout form or use the website.

Donor acknowledges that it has read and accepts each and every provision of these terms and conditions of use, including those specified below in the Disclaimer, Conditions of Access and Use, and Privacy Policy.


The ObecLab Association is not responsible for the contents, data and information that each of the users or visitors of the donation website introduce in the fields and spaces for information offered by the system. The user or visitor (User) agrees that all information, data, records, text, software, music, sound, photographs, graphics, video, multimedia, messages or other materials (“Content”), whether publicly or privately announced or transmitted, are the sole responsibility of the person who originated such Content. This means that the User directly, and not the Association, and solely responsible for all Content that is uploaded, or downloaded (“donwload”) announces, sends by email or any other form of data message. The Association does not control the Content or the information provided or with which the user feeds the system, and as such, does not guarantee the truthfulness, integrity or quality of such Content. Under no circumstances and in no way shall the Association be liable for any Content, including, but not limited to, errors or omissions in any Content or information, or for any loss or damage of any kind resulting from the use of any Content posted, sent by e-mail or data message, or otherwise transmitted or accessed through the Website.

The user accepts and consents that the technical processing and transmission of the on-line licensing Service, including its Content, may involve: (a) transmissions over various networks; and (b) changes for adjustment and adaptation to the requirements of the networks or connecting devices. By filling out this form and as I, as the owner of the information, am providing information about my personal data, my subsidiaries and branches, through electronic records, data messages, Websites, e-mail or any other resource that may be developed, I freely authorize, prior and informed that in accordance with the regulations in effect in Colombia on personal data and in exercise of my constitutional right of habeas data, such information is subject to treatment by the ObecLab Association who for all purposes works in principle in its capacity as information source; which is authorized by this act alone to deliver my data to an Information Operator and to one or more users of the same. The processing of my personal data, those of my subsidiaries and branches will be limited to the purpose for which I am providing it. Likewise, and in accordance with current legislation in Colombia, I authorize the ObecLab Association to consult with any source of information and Operator the data and information on my repose in electronic records or databases and data banks. The treatment of my personal data and those of my family will be circumscribed to the object for which I am providing the same.

Confidential information:

Each and every one of the natural persons, legal entities and institutions that participate as users of the donation website, as well as their employees, dependents, contractors, subordinates, etc.., agree to keep and maintain in a strictly confidential manner and not disclose to third parties, all information and documents that on the occasion of such participation are provided, or to which they have access or knowledge by any electronic, optical or similar means in the form of a data message, on the occasion of their participation, including but not limited to, formulas, procedures, techniques, documents, files, plans, topographical surveys, etc., Know-how and other information in general to which any of the parties involved here or their dependents may have access.

PARAGRAPH: The Confidentiality Clause of this Agreement shall be governed and subject to the regulations on Confidential Information and Industrial Secrets of the Paris Convention; Articles 260 to 266 of Decision 486 of the Commission of the Cartagena Agreement, which created a Common Regime on Industrial Property for the five countries of the Andean Pact (now the Andean Community of Nations – CAN); and other concordant rules in force and applicable.

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: The natural person, legal entity or institution, as well as those who individually or collectively hold the category of users of the donations website, acknowledge that the authorship and ownership of all intellectual property rights (Copyright and Related Rights, Industrial Property, etc.) on the materials and content to which they have access on the occasion of this current contract, belong to the ObecLab Association, and therefore, for any partial or total use of them, must have the prior and express authorization of the ObecLab Association. Based on the above, all the patrimonial rights of the author (Reproduction, public communication, transformation and distribution) or economic exploitation of the contents, software, databases or databases, multimedia creations and other protected material, will be protected by the rules of the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary, Scientific and Artistic Works, revision of 1971, particular WIPO instrument of December 20, 1996 on copyright, the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, Law 23 of 1982 on Copyright, Law 44 of 1993, Andean Decisions 351 of 1993 and 486 of 2000 which created a common regime on copyright and related rights, and Industrial Property for the five countries of the Andean Community, as well as all other concordant rules on the subject matter concerned. The protection and use of these materials refers not only to their expression or use in format or material support, but extends to all forms of use in magnetic, optical, electronic and similar media, in the form of data messages (Internet, EDI, E-mail, etc.), and in general to any medium known or to be known.

IMPLEMENTATION OF EXISTING RULES ON E-COMMERCE: All the inscriptions, participations and documents that are subscribed between the natural persons, legal entities and institutions that register or participate in the present auction; and that are expressed via Data Message (Internet, Electronic Mail, EDI, telex, fax, or fax), shall have the same scope, effect and evidential value as the current and applicable norms on Electronic Commerce consigned in Law 527 of 1999, Law 588 of 2000, Regulatory Decree 1747 of 2000, and Resolution 26930 of 2000 and others that replace or modify them, give to the material documents. For all effects related to the use of the material object of protection, electronic means of consent are established through what has been called the theory of consent via click or double click, also called Click Wrap contracts.


The conditions of access to the website, and the rational use of the information available there, are subject to the applicable legal provisions in force, as well as to the principles of good faith and lawful use on the part of the User, expressly and strictly prohibiting any type of action that could be detrimental to or detrimental to the rights and interests of the ObecLab Association.

The products and services offered on the website, as well as their use and benefits, may in some cases require prior subscription and registration as a user and acceptance of the conditions of use implemented by the ObecLab Association. The conditions of use, safeguarding of intellectual property rights, confidential information, application and referral to the rules on electronic commerce, processing of personal data and disclaimer of responsibility for both the website of donations and any other related website will apply in all relevant matters. For all purposes, the postulates established in Law 1266 of 2008 (By which the general provisions of habeas data are dictated and regulates the handling of information contained in personal databases, especially financial, credit, commercial, of services and the one coming from third countries and other dispositions are dictated), their regulatory Decrees, the current Jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court and other norms that on Habeas Data are sent on all type of data such as data on health, education, sensitive data, labor, penal, tributary, etc.Law 1273 of 2009 (By means of which the Penal Code is modified, a new protected legal asset is created – called “of the protection of information and data” – and systems using information and communication technologies are integrally preserved, among other provisions; Law 1341 of 2009 or the Law of TIC´s, and in general by the other applicable regulations in place.

User content and actions

The User undertakes to make lawful, diligent, honest and correct use of any information or content to which he/she has access through the donations website, or of third parties previously provided by the same (Links, hyperlinks, links, deep links etc.) and all under the principles of good faith and with respect at all times of the current and applicable legal regulations.

The User shall refrain from maliciously or intentionally causing damage or harm that may undermine, alter, destroy or render useless the website, as well as not introducing or disseminating so-called computer viruses, worms, spyware, spam, etc., which may produce unauthorized alterations of the contents or systems making up the website. Based on the foregoing, the ObecLab Association is exonerated from any type of failure or computer virus introduced by third parties.

The User commits itself to use rationally the site of donations, observing the law, these terms and conditions of use, the public order, the moral and the generally accepted good customs. It also undertakes to refrain from using the website donations for illegal purposes or effects, contrary to the provisions of these conditions and terms, harmful to the rights and interests of others, or in any way may impair, disable or put out of service the web site of donations or prevent the normal use or enjoyment thereof by the user. The user commits to use the content of the donation website correctly and lawfully. In particular, the user commits to refrain from using the content of the donation website for purposes or effects contrary to law, morality and generally accepted good customs or public order.

Authorisation – express consent

The ObecLab Association, as an institution that stores and collects personal data, requires your authorization to collect, use, delete, process, verify, process, update and dispose free of charge of the data that have been supplied and that have been incorporated into the databases of the Association. The data that incorporate information of third parties were authorized by the owner of the data or are permitted by law. The Association acts as a third party in good faith with regard to the information given to it. If you were asked for sensitive data or data of minors in your charge, these will be optional.

You authorize the Association to verify or confirm all the information you provide, regardless of whether it is due to your data or the data of third parties that for some reason report as a result of requirements of the Association. The foregoing includes consulting and validating it in public and third party databases, related to information for the prevention of money laundering risk (SARLAFT), contact information, contributions to political campaigns (CNE), index of owners of the Superintendence of Notaries and Registries, profiles in social networks, among others.

The information will be used for the development of the Association’s own functions as a higher education institution, directly or through third parties, including communicating with you to provide administrative information, events, academic offerings, philanthropic and cultural that may develop ObecLab Association.

Likewise, you declare that you are aware of your rights as data owner, especially the rights to know, update and rectify your personal data with regard to the ObecLab Association, and the other rights enshrined in the relevant regulations and the Political Constitution.

By accepting these terms and conditions, the ObecLab Association, in the terms provided by Article 10 of Decree 1377 of 2013 is expressly and unequivocally authorized to maintain and manage all your information, unless you state otherwise directly, expressly and in writing to the email account provided for this purpose: [email protected]

Declaration of origin of donor resources.

The donor declares under the gravity of the oath that the resources given to the ObecLab Association by way of donation come from the ordinary course of business derived from its economic activity or its corporate purpose and that they are not the product of illicit activities. In the event that the competent authorities make any request to the Association with respect to the resources donated, the donor is obliged to respond to them.

The donor is obliged to provide any information requested by the authorities or the Association related to the prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism. In case of not providing all the required documentation, the Association will abstain from receiving the donation.

Likewise, the Association is authorized to consult, directly or through third parties, databases or data banks containing information about the donor, all in accordance with current regulations on personal data and habeas data; and to abstain from receiving the donation in the event that the donor is reported in the same.

“I hereby authorize ObecLab Association to collect, use, circulate, delete, compile, confirm, process, and update my personal data, which may be incorporated in databases or data banks, or in electronic repositories of any kind. This information is and will be used in the development of compliance with current Colombian tax regulations and/or the Association’s own functions, directly or through third parties. I also authorize ObecLab Association to publish the amount donated.

I also declare that I am aware of my rights as a data subject, enshrined in the Constitution and Law 1581 of 2012”.